We all love our pets, sometimes more than other humans.
But our pets do pickup bacteria on their paws and then they bring them into your home, couch, bed and kitchen that you share with them.
A 2013 study found that homes with pets had not only a higher number of bacteria in them but also a diverse range of different types of bacteria.
Not all of them are bad and some even help with our immune system.
BUT, there are several types of bacteria that pets can track into your home that aren’t so great.
What is Salmonella?
Although everyone thinks of Salmonella linked to raw eggs or meat, we can also catch it from pets.
And they don’t have to be infected, they can be carriers.
These bacteria can spread to humans through contact with feces of an infected dog.
Your dog can step into his own waste or other waste they track in when you take them for walks.
Infected pets may not show any symptoms, though diarrhea is common in dogs.
If humans contract it Salmonella can cause diarrhea, vomiting, fever, or abdominal cramps.
Our CopperPaw Mat kills Salmonella on contact.
Always wash your hands.
What is Campylobacter?
Campylobacter is similar to Salmonella and, according to the CDC, one of the most common causes of diarrheal illness in the USA.
How do you contract Campylobacter?
Raw foods or contact with dog or cat feces (cat litter boxes).
Diarrhea occurs in both pets and humans.
Our CopperPaw Mat kills Campylobacter.
Always wash your hands.
What is MRSA?
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a bacterium that has become resistant to several antibiotics (superbug).
According to the CDC, MRSA can be spread through skin-to-skin contact with an infected person or animal.
Most common in dogs, but cats and birds can contract and it usually enters the body through a cut.
Thus, when you’re scrubbing your pets’ paws, they become raw and more prone to cracks.
Some of the signs of MRSA in dogs (which they can transfer to humans) are signs of hair loss, redness, or the appearance of a rash.
Similar symptoms in humans occur, and also a possible fever.
This infection is dangerous to those with compromised immune systems.
Streptococcus canis, or group G is a type of bacteria that dogs can pick up through close contact with infected dogs, through shared bowls and bedding and playing around.
Also, dogs that are stressed due to traveling long distances or being handled often are more vulnerable to contracting these bacteria.
Some symptoms are abscesses, infected wounds.
These bacteria are found in the mouths and upper-respiratory tracts of cats, and less in dogs.
Even though they’re harmless to animals, they do cause skin, ear, nose and eye infections through biting or scratching or licking.
It can spread to humans who will have a more severe reaction.